Saturday, November 6, 2010

Protective Factors / Risk Factors

Protective factors:
  1. Calorie restriction is probably the most powerful way to reduce the rates of heart disease and cancer.
  2. Low glycemic index carbs.
  3. More omega-3 which is associated with lower rates of heart disease, lower triglycerides, longer telomeres and longer life.
  4. CLA which can be five times higher in grass fed meat inhibits the tumor promoting effects of IGF1. It's also helpful for heart disease.
  5. Physical exercise can reduce the rate of heart disease by 50%. It also reduces cancer rates.
  6. Vitamin K2 which is highest in goose liver, aged cheese and natto inhibits calcification of the arteries and is associated with lower rates of heart disease.
  7. A serving of wine or beer with a meal once or twice a day increases HDL. Alcohol with little or no food does not produce the same effect.
  8. Cabbage and onion family vegetables and tomatoes.
  9. Citrus and berries.
  10. Vitamin D3 (2000IU)
Risk factors:
  1. Too much animal fat and protein.
  2. Too much sugar and white flour.
  3. Too much alcohol
  4. Too much salt
  5. Fried foods especially meat and potatoes.
  6. Sunburns and dark tans on light skinned people.
  7. Tobacco
  8. Obesity
  9. Diabetes
  10. Hypertension